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April 2, 2013

Sometimes I get overwhelmed with the thought of writing a blog post. Life is busy. Crazy some days. And before I know it I have three weeks worth of events to talk about. Thats overwhelming. But if I think about it as if I were sitting down with friends and catching up over some coffee its not so intimidating. So here I am. Jake is bouncing (and squealing in delight) in his jumper next to me. I have a full cup o joe next to me. So lets chat, shall we?

I’m so frustrated with my hair. No one told me after you have a baby all that gorgeous full, shiny, thick hair you grew during nine months of pregnancy all falls out. FALLS OUT. Everywhere. Biotin has been helping. But I’m tired with it. The cut. The color. All of it. I still (after almost three years) haven’t found a hair dresser that I love as equally has my Tallahassee girl. Anyone in the area know someone who will look at me and say “You would look great with (fill in hairstyle)”?


Jake wore a bow tie on Easter. And I swooned. I have found that you have to be a little more creative when accessorizing baby boys. My friend Lia sent Jake this bow tie right after he was born. And now I want her friend to make a bajillion more for him.


We have started on solid food. He’s doing great. So far just rice cereal. We will probably start with some veggies next week. Any suggestions on what we should try first?



David and I have been on a bit of a house hunt. We haven’t found anything just yet. We’re lucky because we aren’t in any rush. We love our apartment. Love the neighborhood. Our landlords are rockstars. (Not really, but we really love them); and they are letting us go month to month.


A bit of a tradition that has formed for our family is weekend walks to a coffee shop at the edge of our neighborhood. They have amazing breakfast sandwiches. Even more amazing coffee. And we pretty much always see friends while we are there. Its another reason we are not in a huge rush to leave the neighborhood.

In the mean time, we are little by little revamping our current apartment. Nothing huge. Just reconfiguring a bit since we have a new member of the family. As much as we love our apartment, in order to be able to stay here with a little man who is becoming increasingly more mobile we have to make a few changes. First step was new pillows. Pillows carry no weight when making the house more baby friendly;  it was just time for a little living room face lift.


Jake is an awesome sleeper at night. That, however, makes him mediocre at napping during the day. I’m often dealing with a smiley goof ball during nap time.


When its time to get serious though, there is nothing like the Ergo Baby Carrier to knock him out. Thanks for letting us borrow it Aunt Emily!

I’m feeling so super blessed lately.






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