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Snyder Park

January 14, 2013

We love a dog park. We had such a fabulous dog park in Tallahassee; when we moved to Fort Lauderdale we almost immediately started looking for a park for Sugar to romp around in. We had tried going to Snyder Park back then, but when we got in the car Sugar smelled like something dead. Obviously we didn’t return for quite a while. We were feeling lucky and we decided to give it another chance yesterday. We didn’t realize when we had visited a few years ago that there was a swim park in addition to the regular dog park. She LOVED it.


My sweet girl looks a little rough when her face is wet.



And I am very happy to report that there were no dead animal smells in the car on the way home – just happy, wet dog ones.

Dear Jacob

January 11, 2013

You turned three months old yesterday.


We took you on your first long road trip to Tallahassee and you did so well. You sat in your car seat and either slept or laughed at the cow toy that hangs from the car seat handle.You were so obliging to all of the new faces who wanted to meet you in Tallahassee. You greeted them with laughs and smiles. We were so proud to show you off.



You’ve started to roll from side to side on your baby gym. You throw your legs in the air to kick the stuffed animals that hang form it. You try to grab those animals. Sometimes you can, sometimes your little fist won’t open. But you bat your arms at them and laugh and laugh and laugh.


You think that baby in the mirror is so funny. He always cheers you up when you are upset.

You pooped in my lap and then laughed about it.


You sleep like a champ from 9 pm ish to 7 30 am ish. Thank you x infinity. When you wake up in the morning you are such a happy baby. You give us the biggest smile when we come to get you from your crib.

You rolled over yesterday! You got stuck on your arm, but you rolled over nonetheless.


You smiled at Sugar when she walked towards you last Sunday. I’m glad you realize what an awesome dog she is.


You are growing a pretty sweet mullet. We’re hoping either the hair on the back of your head gets the memo and falls out or the hair on top of your head gets the memo and grows back.


Little Man, Daddy and I are loving watching your little personality develop. We love you so so much!!

Baby Blues

January 4, 2013


 Both Grand Dads have light blue eyes. Here is to hoping he keeps his 🙂

Christmas in Tallahassee

January 3, 2013

We got home from our Christmas vacation to Tallahassee a few days ago. But with David coming down with a pretty serious stomach bug and all the unpacking, I’m just now getting to get my pictures up on the old blogity blog here. We had such a great time. I’m not back at work yet and David got the whole week off, so we were able to spend the most time we’ve been able to spend since moving from there two and half years ago. We were so happy to be able to get together with lots of friends and spend good relaxing family time.

Its Florida. And some may argue with me, but it was cold. Jake got his first taste of winter-ish weather. Turns out he doesn’t particularly love wearing hats.


He does, however, think that the baby in mirror wearing his shirt as a hat is pretty darn hilarious.


We enjoyed a quiet Christmas while we waited for David’s sister to drive down from St. Louis.

Jacob enjoyed his baby gym from David and I. That baby in the mirror gets him every time.


And Sugar tried to tell us subtly that she wanted to go play in the back yard.




Jacob decided that Christmas trees are cool.



On our way home we stopped in Gainesville for lunch and had a chance to introduce Jacob to his great grandmother. They got along quite well.


Four generations


Sugar seemed to appreciate us breaking up the long haul from Tallahassee to Fort Lauderdale. She was beyond thrilled to run around in Aunt Becky’s backyard.


Happy New Year!

In the Kitchen

December 11, 2012

There were a few things I liked about being pregnant, but as an overall whole it wasn’t my favorite time in life. One of the things that escaped me during those nine months was the enjoyment of cooking. Poor David. We had A LOT of takeout; and when we did eat at home, it was never anything special. Since I have gotten my life back (somewhat) I have enjoyed being back in the kitchen making dinner….and dessert (maybe a little too much dessert).

Often when I’m making my meal list for the week I have a hard time coming up with things to make. I have found a few really good recipes on Pinterest and thought I might share them with you, just in case you’ve been feeling uninspired to cook, pregnant or not.

chicken and wild rice casserole- one pinner said "this is the BEST recipe I have made from Pinterest. We LOVED it. Perfect to make when people come over, to freeze, or for a family in need of a meal. " NO mayo, no cream soup.

Chicken and Wild Rice casserole.

This is sooooo tasty. I have made it a few times. Feel free to follow her directions – it tastes wonderful, but it makes quite a few dishes. I, not having a dishwasher, am not so fond of the sink overflowing with dishes so I use only wild rice (her recipe calls for two different kinds of rice). David and I didn’t taste a difference doing this, but by all means try it both ways and see what you like (it isn’t that many extra dishes. I’m probably just being dramatic and lazy).

Easy Chicken Marsala

Easy Chicken Marsala

It is just that. Easy. I usually roast brussels sprouts, broccoli, and red onion to go with this. I put 2 tablespoons or so of olive oil in a gallon freezer bag with the veggies, garlic powder, onion powder, salt and pepper. Shake it up. Roast on a cookie sheet for 25 minutes at 450. Very tasty.

Also. If you’re like me and the first time you make this you forget to buy the marsala wine (who needs marsala wine when making chicken MARSALA anyway….) you can sub it out with balsamic vinegar. Follow the directions the same way. It tastes just as good and a gives completely different flavor. Now you have two dinners to add to your meal list. You’re welcome.

saltine toffee

Saltine Toffee

You’re going to hate me for sharing this one. Hopefully you and your family will show a little more self control than my family and I do. We are suckers for sweets and finished an entire cookie sheet of this in, oh, two and a half days. #theshame.

One Bowl Chocolate Chunk and Toffee Chip Brownies

Chocolate Chunk and Toffee Chip Brownies

Slight modification to this one too. She tells you to use an 8×8 pan (or 9×9 – I forget). But I found it works better in a 9×13. The edges burned and the middle never cooked when I used the smaller square pan.

So there you go. I hope this gives you a few ideas for dinner and dessert these last few weeks of 2012.

Well Hello There World

December 5, 2012

Weeks 7 and 8 have proved to be big weeks for Mr. Jacob. It seems that he has decided to become more of a little person and less of a little creature. He is so much more alert during his wake times and smiling socially, not just when we poops and farts. His head is stronger so we have been able to let him sit in his bouncy seat. BIG hit! Something about those swinging monkeys, mirrors, leaves and bouncing makes our little man crack up.




We’ve also discovered ourselves in the mirror. After Jacob is done eating and is real awake we go and look at ourselves in the mirror. A little confusing, I’m sure, but it makes for great entertainment.


Jake has also gained enough strength to sit up in his bumbo seat. He is not exactly sure how he feels about the bumbo just yet. But David and I get such a kick out of seeing him sitting up in it, he is going to need to learn to like it 🙂


Jake was inducted into the monthly tradition started by Gramma. Every month on the 10th (the day of the month he was born) Jake gets something in the mail. Gramma sends all of her grandchildren something every month so they will have a connection to her even though they may not see her. Jake is lucky because he lives close enough to Gramma to see her every week, but he is still getting his monthly gifts from Gramma. This month in honor of Thanksgiving, he received his very own Indian headdress.



Mom, don’t let this face fool you – he was very happy with his gift!

We are having so much fun watching him get into this life more and more every day. 






November 23, 2012

While 57 degrees is a beautiful fall temperature for most of the country, to us thin-blooded South Floridians it is the dead of winter…


The three of us are all bundled, cuddled up and snugly in bed here in the Legate household this cold Black Friday morning.
Does anyone have any suggestions on keeping your infant baby’s hands warm when he can’t sleep with a blanket in his crib? We have woken up to him having ice cubes for hands.
I hope your Thanksgiving was wonderful. Ours was. I’ll post pictures soon!
Ps. I’m blogging from my iPhone. How fancy!!!

Dear Jacob

November 16, 2012


You  turned one month old on Saturday. I can’t believe it has been a month already. It feels like you have been with us for so much longer; at the same time it feels like you has only been here for a short time.

I have half of the supplies and had every intention of making a cute chalkboard sign to hang above you and write one month, but I just couldn’t seem to pull it together enough to make it happen. I have high hopes for next month. You’re pretty cute in your one month pictures even without a chalkboard.

You went from from 7lb 1oz when you were born to 9lb 5oz this month. You have also gotten a lot taller; although the nurse measured you wrong, so I don’t know exactly how much taller.

You make me laugh when you smile in your sleep. I think you’ll have Daddy’s smile. He  has a little corner-of-the-mouth-smirk and we’ve seen you do the same thing.

You moved into your nursery last weekend. It has been a very smooth transition for you. I think I was more upset about it than you were. You are such a good sleeper – thank you for that! It seems that you have inherited sleep talking from me. Good for you, son :). You’re friends and family will have lots of fun telling you all of the crazy things you said while you were sleeping. But they’ll do it to me too, so don’t worry – we are in this together.

Daddy and I have gotten into the habit of talking for Sugar since she can’t do it herself. It has transferred into parenthood as well and we find ourselves talking for you. I like to make you “say,” Owwwwwww Daddy!!! Please shave your prickly beard off of your face. It feels like little knives kissing my cheek. Its hurts so so bad Daddy!!! when Daddy goes to give you a kiss. I like to tease Daddy about his sharp unshaven beard and its fun to get you in on it too. Although it hasn’t made Daddy shave more often.

I love love love to see how you respond to Daddy. When you hear your Papa’s voice you look to find it and stare intently at him.

You really enjoy bath time.

You coo when you’re happy.

You love to lay on our bed and look out the window.

You poop and fart more than any baby I have ever known – what a boy.

When we pick you up when you’re sleeping you purse out your lips, throw your arms up the in air, bring your knees to your tummy, and arch your back. Its really cute.

You and Sugar are getting used to each other more and more everyday. She comes and sniffs your head. You just stare at her.

But I like to facilitate more brother sister bonding time between the two of you.

Thank you for putting up with me when I make you do silly photo shoots.

I love you Baby Boy. You are such a joy to have in our lives.

Hello Sleep

November 12, 2012

Guess who gave us, count it, FIVE HOURS of uninterrupted sleep last night?

This guy.

I told David last night that I remember thinking to myself when I was pregnant, I can’t wait until I’m not pregnant anymore so I can sleep well again. Ha!!!

I have been reading a book recommended by some friends called Baby Wise. Its all about teaching your baby to sleep through the night. We are trying to do the Baby Wise strategy in our house because, well, Mama isn’t the most fun person to be around when she is deprived of her sleep. Poor David. Since Jacob was born, I have been reminded and convinced even more that God created David specifically to be my partner in life. I know for sure that there is no one more fit to handle all that I am capable of being than him. And he shows me such love and grace when I am being a grumpy diva or hormonal basket case. I’m a lucky girl. I love you Darlin’!!

You all are good friends for letting me be mushy at times.

So. Baby Wise. Apparently Baby Wise babies learn to sleep through the night after 6-8 weeks. Sign me up please!!! We have been working with Jake on it for a number of days now and he only woke us up ONCE last night. This is why I am able to sit in my living room drinking coffee and blogging this morning and instead of trying to catch up on lost zzz’s from last night. And my handsome hunk of a baby is STILL sleeping in his Moses basket. Thank you Jesus.

In The “Yard”

November 9, 2012

We  have been having the most gorgeous weather in the last two weeks. Truly, South Florida in the fall/winter/early spring is the place to be! We’ve been trying to take advantage of the outdoors as much as possible with walks, trips to the dog park, and just sitting in our yard (if you want to call it that – its more of a courtyard) enjoying the afternoon. We sat for a few hours the other afternoon reading, sleeping, and stalking squirrels.

Jacob, this beautiful weather you are experiencing is called “Fall” and I hate to break it to you, but it is short lived here in the South. Soak it up while you can 🙂